Food Analysis
Analysing your finished food or drink product along with its raw ingredients and components is very important to ensure a high and consistent level of quality.
The instruments offered by Best Lab Solutions allow you to prove and improve the quality of your products by measuring various important physical and/or chemical parameters. These can sometimes also be tested ‘on the line’, making it much easier to do so.
Whether something is rubbery, runny or rigid can be tested and allows you to be more confident in the repeatability and the overall quality of your product. This is especially important should you start to scale up your production capabilities and need a continuously consistent product that can be regularly tested with appropriate equipment.

Physical parameters
It is often necessary to measure and test the physical aspects of a food ingredient or the finished product. This could be its viscosity, its texture, its melting or freezing point etc.
Beyond the product itself then the packaging is also an integral component which needs to be tested and this can be done in a number of ways.
We can offer a large range of equipment to test physical parameters.

Chemical properties
Alongside the physical elements then it is also important to measure and monitor the chemical composition or levels of ingredients such as preservatives, salt, sugar, alcohol etc Macronutrient content i.e. fat, protein and carbohydrate percentages can also be measured.

Online measurements
This is equipment that can measure the parameters when the products are still ‘on the line’ as either finished goods or when items are still being manufactured. For example it is possible to analyse the moisture levels in food produce, detect any foreign metal objects and check the weight of each unit.
We can provide several options depending on your online measurement needs.
Call us on +44 (0) 741 581 2462 or fill in our form
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